Cornish Seascapes to Stir the Soul

Toby skilfully bridges the gap between the often dissonant worlds of surf culture and fine art

Art Inspired by the North Cornwall Coast

Lifelong surfer Toby uses an inventive mix of acrylics, old ordnance survey maps, wood and rare maritime shipping charts to bring about something quite beyond expectation

Toby Ray's Cornish Seascapes

You can almost hear the crashing of the waves and feel the salty air prickle your skin when gazing into one of Toby’s mellow, innovatively composed Cornish seascapes. Get lost in the ocean…

Painting Experience with Cornish Artist

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Painting Experiences in Cornwall

Original Paintings

My constantly-evolving collection of original artwork consists of traditional seascape paintings and mixed media paintings using old maps and shipping charts. They all share a common theme; the waves and beautiful scenes surrounding the Cornish coast where I live.

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